penalty for a criminal conviction does not end at sentencing. While most people
are relieved to be done with their case; even if they are unhappy with the
result, they often do not understand that their conviction may cause numerous
problems for them down the road.
article is meant to highlight some of those possible consequences. It is not
intended to be a detailed discussion of these issues, but should at least make
people aware of how a criminal conviction can have a lasting impact. Hopefully,
it will make some people think twice about just "pleaing out" and opt to put up
a more vigorous defense regardless of guilt or innocence.
Consequences - Generally only for a Felony Conviction
It would
be impossible to state all the possible careers that could be jeopardized by a
criminal conviction, some common ones include: firefighter, law enforcmeent,
most government employment, working in a school (or even volunteering), certain
types of truck drivers, and working in the airline field. It can also prevent or
create obstacles in obtaining a nursing license, a license or practice law and
other professional licenses. A misdemeanor involving dishonesty (think theft or
fraud) can prevent a person from working the banking, insurance, securities or
accounting fields.
criminal conviction can affect citizenship status of a non US citizen. Certain
felonies make deportation and option. As this area is complex and keeps
changing, it is beyond the scope of this article to go any further on this
of a Firearm
on the nature of the charge, a felony conviction can prevent a person from
possessing a firearm for either three or five years from the time of sentencing
or releae from a jail or prison. (See MCL 750.224f) In Michigan, a person can
get a hunting license with a criminal conviction.
conviction of ANYONE who committed a crime in a public housing tenant's
apartment, will result in the loss of public housing benefits. This can lead to
some very unfair outcomes when the person is just a visiting relative who gets
caught with a joint, but this does happen.
Driver's License
A person
can have his driver's license revoked or suspended for a conviction of certain
crimes. These crimes primarily deal with drug and alcohol offenses but can also
occur in other situations such as not paying child support.
Sex Offender's
conviction of any number of criminal sexual misconduct charges can result in
having to register with the State of Michigan pursuant to the Sex Offenders
Registration Act (SORA). In addition, a person required to register under this
act must meet strict guidelines in keeping the state informed of moving, changes
in employment and registrants are forbidden from being within 1,000 feet of a
school (with some exceptions). These are the primary issues with being a
convicted sex offender; there are other ones beyond the scope of this
Ryan Maesen, Criminal Lawyer, Grand Rapids, MI
For more
information, please visit me at
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